Parul Sevashram Hospital

Healthy Diet Habits for Your Stay-at-Home Schedule

The least healthy way to live is to be inactive according to some of the best doctors at the best hospital in Vadodara and throughout India. Yet there are occasions when you have no other option. Long stretches of inactivity can slow the metabolism and make it harder for the body to maintain healthy blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and fat-burning processes. 

Today, the majority of our work days include prolonged periods of sitting. The WFH (Work-From-Home) scenario is a reality for many of us as it has become increasingly accepted as a working method. But living a sedentary lifestyle is detrimental. Obesity, heart conditions, excessive blood pressure, and even early death might result. 

Even while we can’t avoid a sedentary lifestyle, we can adopt some practices that will help us lessen its negative consequences. So, here are some of the best dietary and lifestyle approaches you should consider if you are a WFH working individual.

Dietary Habits To Improve Your Daily Lifestyle

Manage Your Calorie Consumption

First and foremost, other criteria like your age, weight, and overall fitness level will determine how many calories you may consume while not exercising. Even if you have a sedentary lifestyle, you shouldn’t generally consume more than 2500 calories for men and 2000 calories for women. Most people can burn more than 1800 calories daily without engaging in any physical activity.


Emphasize Fruits And Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables, which are low in calories and high in nutrients, are the foundation of a healthy sedentary diet. Because fibre keeps you feeling full, most fruits and vegetables are abundant. Fighting hunger is crucial to maintaining a low-calorie diet since, if you’re not sedentary by choice, stress eating at the first indication of a hungry pang might result from dissatisfaction. You can have three complete meals daily while keeping within your desired calorie range if you have fruit for breakfast, a large mixed salad for lunch, and at least two vegetables of various colours for supper.


Watch Your Carbohydrate Intake

Carbohydrates impede almost every dieter’s journey. As long as you pick the appropriate kind, they’re tasty, calming, valuable, and not harmful to you. White rice, white bread, white-flour spaghetti, cake, cookies, crackers, and all other mass-produced snack items are empty sources of starch. These meals’ processed flour and refined sugars increase blood sugar, which necessitates an insulin reaction. Your brain may indicate hunger once the insulin has removed the sugar from your system, at which point you may feel the need for another serving or a second snack. For a satisfying and robust breakfast, think about oats or granola, or have a few slices of dense, whole-grain bread with cottage cheese.

Select the Ideal Proteins

Your muscles still require protein even if you aren’t exercising. Pick lean protein options, including chicken, turkey, shellfish, and lean beef or pork chops. The healthiest method for cooking fish and meats is to grill or broil them. In addition to protein, seafood contains vital fatty acids that raise the amount of high-density lipoproteins, or HDLs, in your blood, which lowers cholesterol levels. Proteins can help you feel fuller for a more extended period since they take longer to digest than carbs. For a delicious and satisfying start to the day, combine fruit with nonfat or low-fat dairy, such as yoghurt. With the addition of chicken, shrimp, tuna, or a hard-boiled egg, your lunch salad will gain protein.

Choose Delectable Seasonings

Don’t forget to experiment with spices since if a diet doesn’t taste nice, you’re far more likely to give it up. If you can, stay away from salt to lessen your chance of water retention. Lemon juice is versatile and contains a little vitamin C. Cinnamon and honey liven up most breakfast grains. To make an easy, excellent salad dressing, combine olive oil, white vinegar, lemon juice, salt, and pepper in a bowl. Any protein, including chicken, fish, cattle, or hog, may be prepared with the traditional blend of parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.

Besides changing your dietary habits, you can also engage in some form of basic exercise. Most of us sit down to work, frequently in front of a computer, even when we work from home. Although it might be challenging to squeeze exercise into your hectic job, here are some suggestions to start you moving:

  • At least once per hour, stand up from your chair and take a walk around.
  • When speaking on the phone, stand up.
  • Rather than using the elevator, use the steps.
  • Take a walk around the building during your break or during some of your meal.


Eating a balanced diet and regular exercise are the two essential components of staying healthy. In addition, your body is continually being defended by your immune system against various diseases from viruses and bacteria. Regular check-ups can also aid in identifying possible health problems before they materialise.

Sedentary behaviour is associated with severe health problems, according to research. It is because many people fall short of the recommended levels of physical exercise and risk becoming inactive for long periods.

By raising their physical activity levels and altering their diets as previously suggested to reduce their idle time, people can lessen the hazards of a sedentary lifestyle. Recommendations on dietary and healthy habits are provided by the excellent doctors at the best multispeciality hospital in Vadodara.

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