Parul Sevashram Hospital

Exercises and Habits To Keep Your Lungs Healthy

Exercises and habits for healthy lungs
Do you remember thinking about your lungs when thinking about your health? It’s easy to forget that your lungs need to be strong and healthy; you can’t see them and breathe without thinking about it. The truth is that your lungs, like your heart, joints, and other body parts, age over time.

As a result, they may become less flexible and lose strength, making breathing more difficult. However, by adopting certain healthy habits, you can improve the health of your lungs and keep them working optimally even as you get older. Improving your lung health encourages proper lung function, keeps you active, and improves your overall quality of life.

Avoid Being Exposed to Pollutants

Pollutants in the air can harm your lungs and hasten your ageing. Your lungs can easily resist these toxins when they are young and strong. However, as you age, you lose some resistance and become more susceptible to infections and disease. So allow your lungs to rest.

Reduce your exposure to the greatest extent possible:

  • Avoid secondhand smoke and avoid going outside during peak air pollution periods.
  • Avoid exercising near busy roads because you may inhale exhaust.
  • Take all possible safety precautions if you are exposed to pollutants at work. Certain occupations, such as construction, mining, and waste management, can increase the risk of being exposed to airborne contaminants.

Do Not Smoke or Quit Smoking

You are probably aware that smoking increases your risk of developing lung cancer. However, it is not the only disease it can cause. Tobacco use is linked to most lung diseases, including COPD, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and asthma. It also worsens the severity of those diseases.

Smokers, for example, are 12 to 13 times more likely than nonsmokers to die from COPD. When you smoke a cigarette, you breathe in thousands of chemicals, including nicotine, carbon monoxide, and tar. These toxins cause lung damage. They produce more mucus, make it harder for your lungs to clean themselves, and irritate and inflame tissues.

As a result, your airways gradually narrow, making breathing more difficult. Smoking also accelerates the ageing of the lungs. The chemicals can eventually transform normal lung cells into cancerous ones. The carbon monoxide level in your blood returns to normal within 12 hours of quitting.

Your lung function will begin to improve within a few months. Your risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker within a year. And it only gets better the longer you go without smoking.

Prevent Infections

Infections are hazardous to your lungs as you age. Those who already have lung diseases, such as COPD, are particularly vulnerable to infections. Even healthy seniors can develop pneumonia if they are not cautious.

The best way to avoid lung infections is to keep your hands clean. Wash your face with warm water and soap on a regular basis, and try to avoid touching your face as much as possible. Drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables — they contain nutrients that help your immune system. Keep your vaccinations up to date. Get a flu shot every year, and get a pneumonia vaccination if you’re 65 or older.

Exercise And Spend Time Outside

Make it a point to get outside daily and breathe some fresh air. Outdoor air quality is usually superior to indoor air quality. More time spent outside reduces your exposure to indoor air pollutants. Just remember to be sun safe and protect your skin from UV rays.

Aside from not smoking, getting regular exercise is the most important thing you can do for your lungs’ health. Exercise not only keeps your body in shape, but it also keeps your lungs in shape. Exercise causes your heart to beat faster and your lungs to work harder.

Your muscles require more oxygen to function correctly. As a result, your lungs work harder to deliver that oxygen while expending more carbon dioxide.

Breathe Deeply

Many people take shallow breaths from their chest, using only a small portion of their lungs. Deep breathing clears the lungs and allows for complete oxygen exchange. They discovered that 2 and 5 minutes of deep breathing exercises significantly increased vital capacity.

The maximum amount of air the volunteers could exhale from their lungs is vital capacity. Even for a few minutes, deep breathing was found to be beneficial to lung function by researchers. Breathing exercises can improve the efficiency of your lungs. To practise, sit quietly and slowly breathe in through your nose alone.

Then, through your mouth, exhale for at least twice as long. Counting your breaths may help. Shallow breaths are taken from the chest, while deeper breaths are taken from the belly, where your diaphragm is located. As you practise, pay attention to how your belly rises and falls. You may feel less stressed and more relaxed when you perform these exercises.

Try to incorporate the following five habits into your daily routine: quit smoking, exercise regularly, reduce your exposure to pollutants, avoid infections, and breathe deeply. By devoting some of your energy to these tasks, you can help keep your lungs in peak condition for the rest of your life.

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