Parul Sevashram Hospital

Healthy Health Force Project

Healthy health-force project is a project designed for the medical force or health-force. A screening camp has been organized for the ASHAs (Accredited Social Health Activists) and FHWs (Female health workers) of Vadodara district. The details of the examination include general body checkup, systemic examination, breast examination and Pap smear, Random blood sugar, hemoglobin estimation and TSH.

The project is in partnership with District Health Society, Vadodara under the aegis of National Health Mission, Government of Gujarat. The project will be carried out in phased manner involving all the talukas of Vadodara district one by one. The examination will be carried out by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Parul Sevashram Hospital in liaison with the Department of PSM at Parul Institute of Medical Sciences and Research.

“Healthy health-force” is meant to care for the health of those who care for the health of the community. It is a unique initiative by Parul Institute of Medical Sciences and Research. The inauguration ceremony was held at Parul Institute of Medical Sciences and Research on 19th January 2017 and was inaugurated by District Development Officer, Dr. Saurabh Pardhi.
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