Parul Sevashram Hospital

Prevent Migraines With These 6 Simple Habits

C20 Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research.

As per recent reports, more than 213 Million Indians were suffering from migraine in 2019. With a growing percentage of migraine patients, it is high time that we start keeping a check on the frequency of its occurrence.

Do you want to know how to manage migraine headaches easily? These lifestyle hacks and non-drug treatments can ease headache pain or prevent it from happening in the first place. So make them part of your migraine treatment regimen today!

Cut Down your Caffeine Consumption:

Some headaches and migraines can be relieved by caffeine, but regular, long-term use can make headaches more common. If you don’t receive your daily dosage, you can even suffer headaches from caffeine withdrawal. Reduce caffeine intake and replace caffeinated beverages with herbal tea and infused (unsweetened) water.

Maintain a Healthy Sleep Cycle:

Your general health and wellness are greatly impacted by the type and amount of sleep you get. Approximately five to six hours each night won’t work in the long run. Set up a bedtime routine and prioritise getting enough sleep. Nothing will be more detrimental to your long-term health.

It’s a cycle: pain and migraine attacks can make it difficult to fall asleep. Migraine sufferers who have trouble sleeping may experience more attacks. Because of this cycle, sleep is crucial for managing migraines. Having a regular sleep routine can aid with migraine management. Having a consistent bedtime and amount of sleep each night is best.

Exercise Regularly:

The frequency of headaches and migraines can be decreased with regular exercise. Endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, are released when you exercise. In addition, regular practice eases tension and promotes restful sleep. As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, routine exercise can aid in lowering stress and enhancing sleep (CDC). While exercising, some patients might experience headaches or migraines. The physiologic response to the increase in blood pressure is one potential explanation for this. However, this is not an excuse to forgo exercise. Instead, include a 10-15 minute warm-up that will assist your body get ready for more strenuous activity and can lessen the likelihood of getting exercise-related headaches.

Use Lavender:

Stress relief may also be aided by the relaxing effects of lavender’s aroma. A clinical experiment indicated that four weeks of aromatherapy using lavender essential oil reduced anxiety, stress in a group of postpartum women. The study was published in the Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research. 

Additionally, studies on lavender oil as a migraine treatment have been conducted.

Have some peppermint and lavender essential oils on hand. Apply them to your skin to benefit from organic aromatherapy. For some people, peppermint may reduce discomfort. Lavender may help reduce anxiety.

Check your Food Patterns:

Eating three meals daily, plus a snack in the evening, or six small meals spaced throughout the day, is crucial. Limit your intake of processed food and prioritise whole foods with little chemicals. Additionally, several meals are connected to headaches. Here is a list of foods that, in some people, can induce migraines and should be avoided.

  • Red wine and alcohol
  • Aged Cheese
  • Other tyramine-containing foods include beans.
  • Caffeine (often found in foods, beverages, and medicines)
  • Yoghurt 
  • Peanuts
  • Chinese food or other MSG-containing soups and dishes
  • Chocolates
  • Cured Meat

Effective stress management:

Migraines and stress frequently coexist. Daily stress cannot be avoided; however, it can be managed to help in migraine management:

  • Make life simpler – Do not try to add extra tasks or activities into the day. Find a technique to exclude some things instead.
  • Time management is essential – Every day, both at work and at home, update your to-do lists. Divide big tasks into small pieces and delegate what you can.
  • Go on a break – Short walks will help you feel more energised if you’re overburdened.
  • Enjoy yourself – Find time for yourself to pursue a hobby. It might be simple for a short time, but you should do it. 
  • Relax – Diaphragmatic breathing helps promote relaxation. Spend at least 10 minutes each day concentrating on taking slow, deep breaths. Consciously relaxing each individual set of muscles may also be beneficial. When you’re finished, take a moment to relax.

Keep an eye on the weather:

Weather changes may impact your migraine patterns. In addition to rainy days, hot temperatures and high humidity can cause headaches. You might need to go inside and take a break from the outside if the weather starts to bother you. Of course, going outside is sometimes unavoidable, but you can cut down on the amount of time you spend outdoors in headache-inducing conditions.


When used together with medication, these home remedies and lifestyle strategies work for many people. But if the pain persists, then consulting a good specialist at Parul Sevashram Hospital is advised. For further information or to schedule an appointment, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Parul Sevashram Hospital.

30 September 2022