Parul Sevashram Hospital

Risk Factors and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer: What Men Need to Know

Risk Factors and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a disease that affects millions of men worldwide and can have devastating consequences if left untreated. As one of the most common types of cancers among men, it is crucial that we raise awareness and promote early detection to ensure that those affected receive the best possible care.

What Is Prostate Cancer?

As cells in the prostate gland begin to grow out of control, prostate cancer develops. Only men have the prostate gland in their bodies. It produces a part of the fluid that is found in semen.

The prostate is situated in front of the rectum and beneath the bladder, a hollow organ that stores urine (the last part of the intestines). Seminal vesicles, a group of glands just behind the prostate, produce the majority of the fluid for semen. The urethra, the tube that exits the body through the penis and delivers urine and sperm, passes through the middle of the prostate.

As a man matures, his prostate’s size may alter. It is hardly the size of a walnut in younger men, but it can grow to be considerably bigger in elderly guys.

Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

  • Difficulty in Urinating
  • Decreased Force Of The Urine Stream
  • Urine With Blood In It
  • A Blemish In The Sperm
  • A Bone Ache
  • Shedding Pounds Without Trying
  • Erection Problems

Causes Of Prostate Cancer

While the exact cause of prostate cancer is not yet fully understood, several risk factors have been identified that may increase the likelihood of developing this cancer. Some common causes include-

  • Age: The risk of prostate cancer rises as one age, and the majority of cases are diagnosed in 65+ men.
  • Genetics: A family history of prostate cancer increases the risk of developing the disease. Men with a first-degree relative (father, brother, or son) who suffer from prostate cancer have a higher risk of developing the disease.
  • Ethnicity: This cancer is more common in African-American men than in men of other races. Asian and Hispanic men have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer.
  • Hormones: Hormones such as testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) are thought to play a crucial part in the development of prostate cancer. Men who have higher levels of these hormones may be at a more heightened risk of developing prostate cancer.
  • Lifestyle factors: Certain lifestyle factors, such as a diet dominated by red meat and dairy products, lack of physical activity, and obesity, may increase the risk of developing prostate cancer.

Tips To Prevent Prostate Cancer

  • Maintain a healthy diet:

Eating a diet which is high in fruits and vegetables, low in red meat and saturated fats, and includes whole grains, and healthy fats can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

  • Exercise regularly:

Being physically active regularly can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Aiming for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise is a good option. Maintain a healthy weight: Being overweight or obese may increase the risk of prostate cancer, so maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce the risk. Obese individuals are more likely to have more aggressive cancers that are more likely to come back after initial therapy.

  • Don’t smoke:

Smoking has been linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer, so quitting smoking can help reduce the risk.

  • Get regular check-ups:

Men should have regular check-ups with their healthcare provider, including prostate exams and PSA blood tests. Early detection can enhance the chances of successful treatment.

  • Consider supplements:

Certain supplements, such as vitamin D and selenium, have been shown to potentially reduce the risk of prostate cancer. However, it’s important to talk to your healthcare provider before starting any new supplements.

What Are Some Foods That Increase The Risk Of Prostate Cancer?

Although there is no single food or diet that can completely prevent prostate cancer, some research suggests that certain foods may increase the risk of developing this cancer. Here are some foods and nutrients that you may want to limit or avoid to reduce your risk of prostate cancer:

  • Red meat and processed meats
  • Dairy products
  • Fried and charred foods
  • Sugar and refined carbohydrates
  • Alcohol

Instead of these foods, you may want to consider a healthy and balanced diet that includes ample fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Eating a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables can provide antioxidants and other nutrients that may help reduce the risk of cancer. Additionally, maintaining a healthy weight and staying physically active can also help reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Treatment Options For Prostate Cancer

The treatment options for prostate cancer depend on several factors, including the stage of cancer, the man’s age and overall health, and the presence of any other medical conditions. The primary treatment options for prostate cancer include:

  • Active surveillance:

Men with early-stage prostate cancer, particularly those who have low-risk cancer, can turn to active surveillance as an option. This involves close monitoring of cancer with regular checkups, imaging tests, and biopsies to see if the cancer is growing or changing. If cancer shows signs of progression, other treatment options may be considered.

  • Surgery:

Surgical removal of the prostate gland, called a radical prostatectomy, is a common treatment option for prostate cancer. This may be done using traditional open surgery or minimally invasive laparoscopic or robotic surgery.

  • Radiation therapy:

Radiation therapy involves using high-energy X-rays or another kind of radiation to kill cancer cells. This may be done externally, using a machine outside the body, or internally, using radioactive seeds placed inside the prostate gland.

  • Hormone therapy:

Prostate cancer is often driven by the male hormone testosterone. Hormone therapy aims to lower the levels of testosterone in the body, which can slow or stop the growth of cancer. This may be done with medications or with surgical removal of the testicles.

  • Chemotherapy:

This type of therapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells throughout the body. It may be used in advanced prostate cancer, particularly if cancer has spread to other parts of the body.

  • Immunotherapy:

Immunotherapy is a newer approach to treating cancer that involves using the body’s own immune system to fight cancer. This may involve using drugs that boost the immune system or genetically engineered cells that target cancer.

When choosing the right treatment option for prostate cancer, it is essential to make informed decisions. One important factor also includes choosing the right medical institute and facilities for cancer treatment.

Parul Sevashram Hospital has come a long way in establishing itself as a trusted name in the healthcare industry. It is a state-of-the-art cancer hospital with the latest technology and equipment, offering high-quality medical services.

The hospital has experienced and skilled doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who are dedicated to providing the best care possible to their patients. They have a patient-centric approach, which ensures that the patient’s needs and comfort are prioritised.

Additionally, the hospital offers affordable healthcare services, making
it accessible to people
from all walks of life.

Written by Parul Sevashram Hospital  |  01  March  2023

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